Some time ago I wrote about the reasons for me becoming vegan. Today my story from being understanding vegetarian to becoming vegan who turned her family life upside down ;)
But let’s start from the beginning. As I said before, for a couple of years I cooked meat for my family. You know this feeling when you want to make everyone around you happy even if it does not make you happy? I did that. When I became vegan, I stopped cooking meat and my husband and son suddenly discovered that from that day on I would never prepare any meal that included meat. What’s more I informed them that I would not buy any meat for them. As a compromise, I agreed to buy them some dairy products and eggs but only free-range.
What was their reaction to my news? Let’s say I did not suspect any explosion of joy. My son’s reaction was the strongest. He knew that his dad was not going to cook, as he did not like it and preferred to eat plants than cook by himself.
The second stage of my vegan revolution started. I took my son to a vegan shop and bought him soy meat, soy sausages, and made vegan lasagna at home. It went quite well although he did not like soy meat too much. Then, it was time for the next stage of my revolution. I started talking to my son about the reasons I ate only plants. So as not to scare him (I believe that a 5-year-old is not ready to see the movies from the slaughterhouse), I bought my son a book “That’s why we don’t eat animals”, and started reading it to him. He is not so sensitive as I am and said that maybe someday he would become vegan, but for now he preferred not to. I had to accept it. It wasn’t easy.
And that’s the most important issue - vegan dilemmas. If the reason for you becoming vegan is more than a diet, if you want to share your passion for plant based food and vegan lifestyle with others (that’s why you can read our blog), if sometimes you wish you could make others believe in what you believe (but it’s a bit orthodox approach), you start feeling bad knowing your beloved do not want to quit eating animal food. I still have problem with accepting it and I do not feel good when my son asks the shopping lady for meat sausages. I tried to fight it for a couple of months. But then I decided to give up and thought that you could not make anybody change. Certain decisions should be made independently and consciously.
Today my son talks to me why plant based diet is good. When he has his friends over at our house, I serve them only vegan food. And they like it. But I let my son choose some animal products when we go shopping because I really believe that trying to force someone into doing something generates frustration, and does not bring the results you actually expect.
But there are some sacred rules:
- we do not go to the zoos
- I only cook vegan food
- we do not go to circuses with animals performing
- we respect animals and care for them.
My revolution was huge. All of us are still getting used to it. Our guests also know what to expect at our house, but they never leave hungry:)
Etykiety: english, lifestyle